I feel lucky to have a co-worker who loves Tuna fishing. Every time he catches some he make sure he shares it with me knowing I love to cook and to eat fish. He knows I will blog about it to. The price for blue fin tuna in our local market is no cheaper than $10.- a lb. and not even as fresh as this. 
Tuna collar is best when grilled fresh. Seasoned with just rock salt then grilled to perfection.

I also made 2 kind of dipping sauce and cut lots of lemon.

1. soy sauce, vinegar, minced garlic and ground black pepper

2. melted butter with lots of minced garlic 

My co-worker Lucas and his catch for the day, BLUE FIN TUNA.

He gave me at least 10 lbs. of different cut. From tuna collar to belly.

Tuna collar grilled in charcoal to perfection.

This is what is left after dinner. All fish bones.

It was so good. Every one in the family loved it. I also made some tuna kinilaw but forgot to take some picture before we finished it.

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